4 more Mondays! When I was teaching I would always count Mondays because that made it seem like so much less time. 5 Mondays till break seems better than 5 weeks, right? Right. Well, to me anyway :) Well, now that's a little scary! In an email from our agency I read the words "We are 30 days from M's due date so it's time to start preparing." I, of course, have been counting down since January, but in weeks, not days, so this made my heart skip a beat. 30 days. That's 4 Mondays (not including today) As far as preparing though....Timothy's things have been ready to go for a while now. This past weekend I went shopping for a few more essentials (diapers, bottles, formula, pacifiers, etc...) so we are pretty set. My goal is to keep up with laundry so the moment we get "the call" we can throw our things together and roll. Of course, there is a list of our essential items already made so we can just read instead of trying to think in the rush. And while it seems so close already, I am also reminded that myself and other faithful family members are praying for a healthy 2 weeks early delivery so we can make it to my brother in laws wedding. If God answers yes....15 days!!! Wow! So excited to meet this little guy! I promised a breakdown of the process so here's what I know...
Feb 11 (tomorrow)- Agency fees due. $19,000 (this goes between 2 agencies for reasons I will not disclose here)
Next week: complete Kentucky foster care education in order to respect the spirit of adoption in KY. Keep raising legal fees.
Wait for the call that M is in labor. Keep raising legal fees.
Get the call!
Frantically pack our bags, drop Josiah with family, pull out in tears because I cannot even imagine being away from him for 2 weeks (Lord, helps this momma's heart), drive to hospital in KY and hope we make it before he is born.
Approx 3 days later: leave hospital WITH TIMOTHY and drive 3 hours to the county where court will take place.
Hang out in hotel.
Approx 5 days later: judge signs off on adoption paperwork, making things temporarily official.
Still hanging out in hotel
Agency sends paperwork to another office (ICPC) in KY and MO for each state to approve.
Still waiting.....
Get approval call (because I'm trusting for no hiccups) and LEAVE KENTUCKY!
This process from birth to heading home takes approx. 2 weeks so prayers for quick court dates would be greatly appreciated.
6 months after placement: Finalize adoption here in MO and begin the wait for baby #3.
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